Will Love Escape Her Grasp?Life seems to be falling into place for Deborah Vandermark. On the cuspof finally marrying Christopher, the man who claimed her heart, she isdevastated when he receives an urgent telegram. Bound to his familyobligations, Christopher travels to Kansas City, uncertain of what hewill find there. When her fiancé returns to Texas, Deborah is facedwith a very different future than she expected. She finds herselfplagued with questions and uncertainty...about marriage, motherhood,and her passion to train as a physician. And when an old adversaryreveals a contract that may spell ruin for Vandermark Logging,Deborah's life seems to be spiraling out of control. Can Christopherand Deborah find a way to claim the future they long to share when somuch stands in the way?
Female journalists are rare in1879, but American-born Clara Endicott has finally made a name forherself with her provocative articles championing London's poor. Whenthe backlash from her work forces a return home to Baltimore, Clarafinds herself face-to-face with a childhood sweetheart who is no longerthe impoverished factory worker she once knew. In her absence, DanielTremain has become a powerful industry giant and Clara finds him asenigmatic as ever. However, Daniel's success is fueled by resentmentfrom past wounds and Clara's deeply-held beliefs about God's graceforce Daniel to confront his own motives. When Clara's very life isendangered by one of Daniel's adversaries, they must face a reckoningneither of them ever could have foreseen. When Clara Endicott andDaniel Tremain's worlds collide after twelve years apart, the sparkthat was once between them immediately reignites into a romance neitherof them thought possible.But time has changed them both.Daniel is an industrial titan with powerful enemies. Clara is anidealistic journalist determined to defend underprivileged workers.Can they withstand the cost of their convictions while theirhearts--and lives--hang in the balance?
Fifteen-year-old Julien Losierjust wants to fit in. But after his family moves to a small village incentral France in hopes of outrunning the Nazis, he is suddenly facedwith bigger challenges than the taunting of local teens.Nina Krenkel left her country to obey her father's dying command: Takeyour brother and leave Austria. Burn your papers. Tell no one you areJews. Alone and on the run, she arrives in Tanieux, France, dangerouslyill and in despair. Thrown together by the chaos of war, Julien beginsto feel the terrible weight of the looming conflict and Nina fights tosurvive. As France falls to the Nazis, Julien struggles with doing whatis right, even if it is not enough-and wonders whether or not he reallycan save Nina from almost certain death.Based on the true story of the town of Le Chambon-the only French townhonored by Israel for rescuing Jews from the Holocaust-How Huge theNight is a compelling, coming-of-age drama that will keep teens turningthe pages as it teaches them about a fascinating period of history andinspires them to think more deeply about their everyday choices.

Compelling Southern NovelExplores Atlanta Society in the 1930sAnne "Perri" Singleton's world is defined by the security of family,the camaraderie of friends at an exclusive Atlanta girls' school, andan enviable social life. She isn't looking for new friends when MaryDobbs Dillard arrives from Chicago. Besides, "Dobbs," the passionateand fiercely individualistic daughter of an itinerant minister, is heropposite in every way.But just as the Great Depression collides disastrously with Perri'swell-ordered life, friendship blossoms--a friendship that will betested by jealousy, betrayal, and family secrets...With her endearing characters and poignant storytelling, Atlanta nativeElizabeth Musser vividly re-creates the charm of her beloved city amidthe poverty and plenty that shaped the 1930s.
Pompeii, a city that's manythings to many people. For Cato, it's the perfect escape from a failedpolitical career in Rome. A place to start again, become a winemaker.But when a corrupt politician wrongfully jails Cato's sister, he mustoust the man from power to save her. For Ariella, Pompeii is a means toan end. As a young Jew, she escaped the fall of Jerusalem only toendure slavery to a cruel Roman general. She ends up in Pompeii,disguised as a young man and sold into a gladiator troupe. Her angerfuels her to fight well, hoping to win the arena crowds and reveal hergender at the perfect time. Perhaps then she will win true freedom. Butevil creeps through the streets of Pompeii. Political corruption,religious persecution, and family peril threaten to destroy Ariella andCato, who are thrown together in the battle to survive. As Vesuviuschurns with deadly intent, the two must bridge their differences tosave the lives of those they love, before the fiery ash buries Pompeii,leaving the city lost to the world.
Week after week, they sit inchurch . . . alone. They are the spiritually mismatched, those who arecommitted to a spouse who does not share their faith. Feeling abandonedby their spouse and forgotten by their church, they live out theirfaith in survival mode, guarding the spiritual flame yet never feelingfree to share it. But God wants them to thrive—not just survive.Winning Him Without Words presents 10 Christ centered keys to thrivingin a spiritual mismatch. Readers are encouraged to commit to Christiancommunity, to release their spouse to God's capable hands, to findpeace in their relationships with Christ and with their spouse, tocontinue their pursuit of a growing faith and to love their spouse withfresh enthusiasm. God wants every marriage to exude peace and love, andWinning Him Without Words empowers readers to create that environmentin their homes and thrive as God works.

Ariel Baxter has just movedinto the neighborhood of her dreams. The chaos of domestic life and theloneliness of motherhood, however, moved with her. Then she meets herneighbor, Justine Miller. Justine ushers Ariel into a world ofclutter-free houses, fresh-baked bread, homemade crafts, neighborhoodplaydates, and organization techniques designed to make marriage betterand parenting manageable. Soon Ariel realizes there is hope for peace,friendship, and clean kitchen counters. But when rumors start tocirculate about Justine's real home life, Ariel must choose whether tobelieve the best about the friend she admires or consider thepossibility that "perfection" isn't always what it seems to be.
It All Comes Tumbling Down As astorm rages in the night, unwary drivers venture onto Tampa Bay's mostrenowned bridge. No one sees the danger ahead. No one notices thejagged gap hidden by the darkness and rain. Yet when the bridgecollapses vehicles careen into the churning waters of the bay below. Inthat one catastrophic moment, three powerful stories converge: a familyravaged by their child's heartbreaking news, a marriage threatened byits own facade, and a college student burdened by self doubt. As eachstory unfolds, the characters move steadily closer to that fatefulmoment on the bridge. And while each character searches for grace, thestorms in their lives loom as large as the storm that awaits them abovethe bay. When these characters intersect in Carolyn Williford'sgripping and moving volume of three novellas, they also collide withthe transforming truth of Christ: Deny yourself, take up your cross,and follow me.
Everyone needs a safe place tocall home When her mother passes away, Ella's forced to auction off herfamily's farm. Her father died years ago, and she could never managethe fifty acres on her own. But after she moves to town, she can't denythe pain she feels watching the new owner, Loyal Weaver, repairing herfamily's old farmhouse—everything Ella had once dreamed of doing. WhatElla doesn't know is that Loyal secretly hopes she will occupy thishouse again . . . as his wife. He begins inviting her over, to ask heropinion on changes he wants to make. As their friendship blooms, Ellastarts to wonder about Loyal's intentions, especially when her bestfriend, Dorothy, hints that Loyal is not who he seems. There's no waythe golden boy of their close-knit Amish community could be interestedin Ella, long the wallflower, hidden away caring for her ailingparents. Should she trust the man she's always yearned for, or thefriend who's always been by her side? When one of them threatens todisrupt the independence she's finally achieved, Ella is faced with achoice. She can protect her heart and keep things the way they'vealways been. Or she can come out of her shell, risk everything for thelove she's always wanted, and finally have a place to call home.